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Dark Leopards MC

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Originally part of the Dark Leopards Anthology, Blind Spot is the first book in the Dark Leopards MC South Texas Chapter for Annelise Reynolds.  (More Coming Soon)

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I've had enough of alpha men. They are all either complete assholes, or they have targets on their backs. I'm not about to let myself be tethered to one of them, but Fate seems to have other plans. When someone I love is being used as a pawn to bend me to the will of another, I must lower my defenses enough to trust an alpha I barely know to help bring down the monster who threatens my life.


I've found my mate, and I'm ready to claim her. There's just one problem...she left me in the middle of the night, sneaking out before I could make her mine. There's so much I don't know about my mate, but I do know that she's in danger. I've exhausted all of my resources trying to track her down, but it's no use. She's gone. My power is useless when it comes to her... she's in my blind spot.

Available on Kindle Unlimited and Amazon
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